Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hawaii: The Animal Kingdom

Comparable to an African Safari, a once in a lifetime opportunity awaits you in what is currently called "Paradise." Adventures await you with slippery, green geckos; thriving nocturnal rats; giant cockroaches (big enough they can be made pets and named); a countless abundance of ants; beastly crabs (a.k.a. bugs, according to Jarek and his completely logical reasoning); colorful fish named Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (YEAH... say that 10 times fast); and exotic birds that fly! You get all of this and the added joys of itchy bug bites that scar your perfect model-like skin, the occasional scare from a gecko stalking you from the bathroom wall, the chance to go rat hunting at 3:00 a.m. in your very own "suite" of a room, and a "love pinch" from a crab while attempting to peacefully relax on the beach. The question is - Do you have what it takes to SURVIVE?...

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